by PaulL » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:07 am
by PaulL
Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:07 am
A bit of an update. I'm working on hip / wrist joints on my RN-1. I want the next set of hand brackets to be the final design, and if I need to make any adjustments on the wrist mount plate, I want to know before I cut another bracket set. So!
I've been working up the CAD drawings for the wrist and hip mounts. I need to spend a little more time on them, but they're close to done.
As for the wrist / hip joint itself, I've tested a few things. First was an off-the-shelf thrust bearing. It was a total of 4mm thick, and all steel. This made for a nice rotation joint, but it was heavy and added 4mm to the leg length without counting a 2mm thick pulley that will be used to actuate the joint. I contemplated using teflon on teflon for the thrust bearing, but some testing revealed "sticking" in the joint, not something I want. I machined a new joint hub on my lathe and bought some peel-and-stick washers made with teflon and tried those the other day, but these also stick.
My latest attempt will involve two .020" (half mm) "shim washers", .040" (1mm) bearing balls, and a .031" (just under 1mm) thick UHMW ball cage. I'm waiting on the parts I ordered yesterday. The one part to make is the ball cage, which will be like a washer with holes for the balls. This will result in a .080" (approx 2mm) thick thrust washer stack. The pulley will be 2mm thick 6061 alu, the thickness is to hide the screw heads used to mount the pulley to the associated bracket. I'm also using a 10mm OD bearing for axial load.
In case anyone is curious, I order these kinds of parts from I also order tooling (end mills, taps, drills, etc) from them.
The only unknown in the thrust bearing design is the surface finish of the shim washers. I'm hoping it's smooth enough for 10 or so 1mm balls, but I won't know that until they show up.
The final stack height of the rotating joint (between the brackets) will be .160" (about 4mm): .080" pulley, .020" washer, .040" balls, .020" washer. This means the arms and legs will get lengthened by this amount. The wrist will get a little more than this from the last stock servo to the hand as a result of adding a bracket to mount the wrist. I'm hoping to keep this down to .080", maybe a little less.
The wrist will be actuated by a servo slung off the back of the arm or off the side of the arm (still debating). It'll be a little bulky, but there aren't many choices here.
In all, I doubt the stock RN-1 servos would be enough to move this bot - he's getting heavy. From the Z530 PC board to the full size servos added for hips and wrists to the 10 micro servos in the hands and 3 in the neck, I think the HSR-5498SG's will be near the edge of what's needed. I'm curious as to what the all-up weight is going to be. Heck, the HSR-5498SG's add weight.
One thing's certain - this is going to be a really cool bot when done, a great platform to demonstrate my software.

A bit of an update. I'm working on hip / wrist joints on my RN-1. I want the next set of hand brackets to be the final design, and if I need to make any adjustments on the wrist mount plate, I want to know before I cut another bracket set. So!
I've been working up the CAD drawings for the wrist and hip mounts. I need to spend a little more time on them, but they're close to done.
As for the wrist / hip joint itself, I've tested a few things. First was an off-the-shelf thrust bearing. It was a total of 4mm thick, and all steel. This made for a nice rotation joint, but it was heavy and added 4mm to the leg length without counting a 2mm thick pulley that will be used to actuate the joint. I contemplated using teflon on teflon for the thrust bearing, but some testing revealed "sticking" in the joint, not something I want. I machined a new joint hub on my lathe and bought some peel-and-stick washers made with teflon and tried those the other day, but these also stick.
My latest attempt will involve two .020" (half mm) "shim washers", .040" (1mm) bearing balls, and a .031" (just under 1mm) thick UHMW ball cage. I'm waiting on the parts I ordered yesterday. The one part to make is the ball cage, which will be like a washer with holes for the balls. This will result in a .080" (approx 2mm) thick thrust washer stack. The pulley will be 2mm thick 6061 alu, the thickness is to hide the screw heads used to mount the pulley to the associated bracket. I'm also using a 10mm OD bearing for axial load.
In case anyone is curious, I order these kinds of parts from I also order tooling (end mills, taps, drills, etc) from them.
The only unknown in the thrust bearing design is the surface finish of the shim washers. I'm hoping it's smooth enough for 10 or so 1mm balls, but I won't know that until they show up.
The final stack height of the rotating joint (between the brackets) will be .160" (about 4mm): .080" pulley, .020" washer, .040" balls, .020" washer. This means the arms and legs will get lengthened by this amount. The wrist will get a little more than this from the last stock servo to the hand as a result of adding a bracket to mount the wrist. I'm hoping to keep this down to .080", maybe a little less.
The wrist will be actuated by a servo slung off the back of the arm or off the side of the arm (still debating). It'll be a little bulky, but there aren't many choices here.
In all, I doubt the stock RN-1 servos would be enough to move this bot - he's getting heavy. From the Z530 PC board to the full size servos added for hips and wrists to the 10 micro servos in the hands and 3 in the neck, I think the HSR-5498SG's will be near the edge of what's needed. I'm curious as to what the all-up weight is going to be. Heck, the HSR-5498SG's add weight.
One thing's certain - this is going to be a really cool bot when done, a great platform to demonstrate my software.